Solve Your Back Pain

Does your back feel stiff or achy? Maybe resting, icing, or heat aren’t working?
If you’ve been dealing with back pain for weeks, months, or even years, it’s understandable to feel like conventional medicine is your only option. This does not mean we throw away conventional medicine, but there are new ways. For example, I work alongside my medical practitioners and we work out a holistic plan for any medical issue, such as a knee arthritis that has recently made itself known.
Of course, there are new approaches. Conventional medication is, where appropriate, being replaced by natural alternatives like CBD where it is legally available.
Solve Your Back Pain From the Root
In my personal and years of client experience, EFT Tapping offers a unique approach by addressing emotional blocks that may be contributing to your pain. Research suggests that EFT may help reduce inflammation, which, along with stored emotions, can significantly exacerbate pain. I’ve seen clients experience relief from chronic back pain after identifying and tapping on some surprisingly relevant issues.
So, what should you tap on to relieve back pain? What EFT Tapping techniques and approaches are most effective?
With experience since 2004 using EFT Tapping for back pain, I’ve witnessed many transformations. People who had given up on work and hobbies have regained their lives. I, too, suffered from chronic back pain for years, but not anymore! I’ve compiled all the hacks and tips, assisted by EFT Tapping, that I and my clients have successfully used, into an affordable package, accessible to everyone. Learn more here, and see the reviews of my special system.
Solve Your Back Pain Main Disclaimers and Terms and Conditions
Please note that any advice given here is not a substitute for any appropriate medical care, and you are advised to consult with a medical practitioner before embarking on this or any other complementary or alternative modality. EFT practitioners agree to take full responsibility for the use of any EFT scripts or guides provided. You are advised not to use EFT if you have psychosis, for your optimal well-being safety. Any payment for any course of tapping is non-refundable and non-transferable unless otherwise specified, such as the guarantee here. Whilst EFT or Tapping has helped many people for self-development, we cannot promise that it can help with your own. Our use of systems that are trademarked or have a registered trademark represents our views and not necessarily those of the trademark owners. Try it and tell me how you get along – I personally support you every step of the way: Watch and listen and explore here Wishing you optimal health and Happiness, Suzanne Zacharia, EFT Master Practitioner & Trainer, CThA, GoE, EPA
Terms & Conditions & Disclaimer – You are advised to consult with your medical practitioner before embarking on any course of alternative, complementary, or beauty modality. By attending courses or sessions, you take full responsibility for your own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Any advance payment for a course of sessions or workshop is non-refundable and non-transferable, with the exception of your statutory rights. Reiki is suitable for anyone, and for any condition. EEFTTappingis not suitable in a group setting for people with psychosis or a tendency to psychosis. Our use of systems that are trademarked or have a registered trademark represents views not necessarily those of the trademark owners.
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